By: Duncan Nortier
Human Resource Advice
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South Africa has an unemployment crisis, there is no mincing of words here. What is most concerning is the youth unemployment rate, which is predicted to be sitting at 52% as of 2018?
Whilst these seem like impossible odds to go up against, we at NKWALI M are sure that Human Resources can play a role in combatting this crisis.
Whilst the country continues to see the professionalizing of many former “unskilled” jobs, many of the youth are left behind as they have no access to the education that can ensure their success.
Nkwali M knows that as a Human Resources group that has positioned itself with SETAs and Municipalities in order to offer training from youth who seek to be relieved from their current economic status, there are tangible results from training programmes that can lead to life-altering employment opportunities.
Giving the youth a fighting chance through training is of the utmost importance in today’s economic climate.
NKWALI M is currently training over 4000 youth in the construction sector and will continue to make youth development a priority.
Nkwali M
Nkwali M Group is both holistic and cutting edge, offering the best in Human Capital services.
Propelling Human Capital